Thursday, October 1, 2009
Roxana Saberi And Vikram Buddhi – Compel A Comparison By Dr. Buddhi Kotasubbarao
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Sunday, March 8, 2009
How to Become a Photographer?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Life's Little Instruction Book
Have a firm handshake.
Look people in the eye..
Sing in the shower.
Own a great stereo system.
If in a fight, hit first and hit hard.
Keep secrets.
Never give up on anybody.. Miracles happen everyday.
Always accept an outstretched hand.
Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference.
Avoid sarcastic remarks.
Choose your life's mate carefully. >From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out.
Lend only those books you never care to see again.
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that they have.
When playing games with ! children, let them win.
Give people a second chance, but not a third.
Be romantic.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.
Don't allow the phone to interrupt important moments. It's there for your convenience, not the caller's.
Be a good loser.
Be a good winner.
Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go.
Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
Keep it simple.
Beware of the person who has nothing to lose.
Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.
Live your life so that your epitaph could read, No Regrets
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the one's you did.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who helped you.
Take charge of your attitude. Don't let someone else choose it for you.
Visit friends and relatives when they are in hospital; you need only stay a few minutes.
Begin each day with some of your favorite music.
Once in a while, take the scenic route.
Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
Answer the phone with enthusiasm and energy in your voice.
Keep a note pad and pencil on your bed-side table. Million-dollar ideas sometimes strike at 3 a.m.
Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job.
Send your loved ones flowers. Think of a reason later.
Make someone's day by paying the toll for the person in the car behind you.
Become someone's hero.
Marry only for love.
Count your blessings.
Compliment the meal when you're a guest in someone's home.
Wave at the children on a school bus.
Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
Don't expect life to be fair.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
True Facts on Oilmen Strike
Sent: 11/01/2009 10:17 PM
Subject: Letter to the Editor - Oilmen strike: True Facts
To the Editor:
Through your esteemed daily we would like to bring to your notice the true statement of facts as regards the “Oilmen strike” from 07.01.09 to 09.01.09. At the outset through your media we would like to inform the citizens of our country that we are sorry for the inconvenience and pain caused to you for having to pass through the ordeal for 3 consecutive days and would at the same time request you to give a patient hearing to our grievances and sufferings before coming to any opinion or conclusion about us.
About us
· We are located across the length and breadth of our country, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from the far east to the Arabian sea. We are committed to serving our fellow countrymen (“Aam janta” of which we also are a part) 24x7.
· From the high mountains to the deep sea and from the arid deserts to the deep jungles, we are there to make life a bit better for you. From Leh to deep inside Arabian Sea (Bombay High or Vadinar located in Kutch district of Gujarat) and from the deserts of Rajasthan as far as Jaisalmer and deep forests viz in the North-East etc, we are working day and night to ensure that the drop of oil and gas reaches you at your doorstep or your vehicle or lits up your life. There is no time to relax or stand for a while. After all it is our duty and we love doing it.
· Such places are so far flung off (please refer enclosed map) that basic amenities like schooling and medical facilities are also not available. Officers have to leave their families away in bigger towns and spend the most part of their life in exile away from their homes and families doing their duty which they take pride of. Unfortunately, very few get the opportunities to work sitting in air conditioned rooms in big cities.
· Apart from the hazards as described above, officers work in hostile environment without any fear from nature or man made elements. Please recall the terrible cyclone, earthquake that hit Gujarat, Tsunami that or the recent floods or for that matter the constant wars with our neighbors, the flow of energy to maintain the vigour and courage or for that matter to cope with nature’s fury has been achieved thro’ constant commitment, dedication and sincerity of our officers so called as DeshDrohis. People have very short memories and thus have forgotten the invaluable contribution of late Shri Manjunath, one of our most outstanding, brilliant and honest officer who had to pay the supreme price to exercise the virtues and values of life. Still the media paint us black as “DeshDrohi” and compare with the terrorists.
· At the cost of our revenue losses we have been selling fuels at very low prices just to see the smile on our fellow brethren. Where were the Private sectors then?
· And at what cost? We have been told to receive an amount of Rs.70,000 to Rs.1,00,00 p.m. but has anybody bothered to verify the facts? (Please refer copy of attached payslip of an “over-payed” and “over-pampered” officer)
· Has anybody bothered to find out what were our demands? Just browse thro’ the following lines and you will sure find your answer.
1) Our (Oil PSU Management Staff) salary was last revised in January 1999 which was due from 01.01.1997 that to after one day strike by us. There also government did not accept our genuine demand of revision after every 5 years and we have to agree on 10 years revision.
2) Now when salary was due for revision wef 01.01.2007, government didn't pay attention to our genuine basic right of salary revision and kept on prolonging the matter till now. Let me remind today it is 10.01.2009 and we are yet to get any solution.
3) Then Government appointed Justice Rao committee to look into salary revision and our genuine demands. They have given their suggestion and after that in Nov 2008, Government revised our salary structure but the increase was very minimal and many of our demands were overlook.
Through your voice which is the voice of the “Aam Janta” we would request your good office to bring out the true facts in front of the people of our country.
Satyameva Jayate.